Monday, June 16, 2008

Spread Firefox ! : Download Firefox 3

Update: The download will be possible from 10:00 AM (San Francisco local time) on 17th. Visit this link to know the time for your location.

Firefox is set to make a Guinness World Record for for the most downloaded software in 24hrs.
Here is your last chance to pledge, as tomorrow is the D-day (17th June 2008). You can be the part of the record by downloading the Firefox 3 (which the website claims to have more than 15K improvements over current) on this day. You could also get a customized certificate for downloading Firefox 3 as it says in the FAQ.

Download Day 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008

Apple Unveils 3G iPhone

Today, June 9th 2008, Apple is suppose to raise the curtains over much awaited 3G version of iPhone in its Worldwide Developers Conference 2008 (WWDC) at San Francisco. As I was searching for updates on this, I found this interesting blog, where the author is blogging live from the WWDC. He just confirmed the announcement that the price for 8GB iPhone is $199 and for 16GB it is $299!. It has a build in GPS, as expected. Wow..I need to refresh his page every minute now as it is becoming more and more exciting....

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Complete Rainbow

With the temperature soaring up to 40°C (with humidity) in Ottawa, I can't believe it was the same temperature with just a "-" (minus) sign, just 3 months back!. In between we had rains on several occasions. On one such rainy day, looking out of my same old big window, I was sure that I am going to see a rainbow that day. The sun was setting behind my apartment and there were clouds raining in the opposite direction(Yeah, then I applied my Primary school Physics there..). But I was wondering, if I could ever see a complete rainbow as opposed to just a part of it, like an arc, which I have always seen. Minutes passed, then wow!, to my surprise it was a complete rainbow that to a double one emerging on the sky. Though I couldn't photograph from end to end because of the place where I was standing, I still I managed to get some decent shots of it...