Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Complete Rainbow

With the temperature soaring up to 40°C (with humidity) in Ottawa, I can't believe it was the same temperature with just a "-" (minus) sign, just 3 months back!. In between we had rains on several occasions. On one such rainy day, looking out of my same old big window, I was sure that I am going to see a rainbow that day. The sun was setting behind my apartment and there were clouds raining in the opposite direction(Yeah, then I applied my Primary school Physics there..). But I was wondering, if I could ever see a complete rainbow as opposed to just a part of it, like an arc, which I have always seen. Minutes passed, then wow!, to my surprise it was a complete rainbow that to a double one emerging on the sky. Though I couldn't photograph from end to end because of the place where I was standing, I still I managed to get some decent shots of it...

1 comment:

aace said...

cool rainbows!! how i hope i could see a complete rainbow at least once in my life